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Fish Bay Eco System


We're fortunate to have Gail Karlsson, an environmental lawyer and author who has a house in the Fish Bay area next to a black mangrove pond.  Her website, "" is an excellent source for those who want to better understand our fragile environment through her vast knowledge of the natural environment here.


Visit her site:   Fish Bay Wetlands

Native Plants in Fish Bay and Our Garden


Fish Bay has a wide variety of native plants, with many uses.  A few are dangerous to humans, but all are precious to preserving our environment.  Volunteers have worked to showcase certain varieties in a walkable garden environment, between the first bridge and the turn up Cocoloba Drive. 


This garden shows the types of plants and trees that grow best and naturally in Fish Bay. Before you excavate, use this garden area as a guide to what could grow on your land or may already be there. Tag trees on your building site for saving and only excavate the area covering the footprint of the home you are building.

This garden is in greenspace owned by the Island Resources Foundation which permitted this

education use. The Estate Fish Bay Owners’ Association was awarded a grant from the VI Department of Agriculture, Urban & Community Forestry Program to fund this project. Members of the community volunteered many hours to prepare the site, plant, and install the garden path and Eleanor Gibney, St John’s own botanist, guided us and was instrumental in creating this page and printable brochure.


Thank you.


Native Plant Brochure

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