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Building in Fish Bay?


On this site, there are many resources that will help educate and inform.  We are a very small community, and we share, and together manage, a uniquely beautiful place.  Together, we can responsibly develop and maintain the quality of life that makes Fish Bay so attractive. Building professionals have defined areas of responsibility, but the owner should take ownership of the impacts of development, and this begins in the design process. Building codes are essential to maintaining the quality of life in Fish Bay, and we support responsible development. Any construction project on St. John is challenging, and even if you've had stateside construction experience, there are unique challenges and responsibilities involved.


If you are considering building in Fish Bay, please read the EFBOA Covenants, which legally require a submission of the building plans to the EFBOA Board, for approval.  Plans can be submitted electronically in PDF form here, or a copy sent to him.


Fish Bay's covenants reinforce the Department of Planning and Natural Resources designation of our R1 Residential Zoning Codes, allowing "No structure(s) other that a single-family residence with attached or detached guest house as per Virgin Islands zoning laws for R-1 zoning are permitted to be erected on the parcels in the residential area".  


DPNR's definition of "single family" refers to a number of persons "living together and inter-related by bonds of kinship, marriage, mutual consent, or legal adoption, occupying the whole or part of a dwelling as a separate housekeeping unit with a common set of cooking facilities. The persons thus constituting a family may also include foster children, gratuitous guests and domestic servants."


Fish Bay is a unique, small and precious part of the island community.  Every owner is a steward of the fragile natural resource and has an impact on the community as a whole.

The Estate Fish Bay HOA supports a conservation approach to our uniquely beautiful Bay and surrounding hills and The Island Green Living Association has created some great tools to help residents and new neighbors with the process.  We encourage you to take some time to watch their videos, from seasoned architects concerned with preservation and sustainable development.


Visit Island Green  

Click on the Video to watch an essential video from local experienced builders and architects.

If you are on Facebook, there is a "Building on St. John" group you might be interested in.  Click here

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